EuropaXi Mercantile Corporation is a de novo merchant banking institution organized to operate within the financial services industry as a private lending institution and asset management firm. The core business model of EuropaXi Mercantile Corp. has at its focus, the construction of portfolios of bank-grade, underwritten commercial real estate loan credit products, including commercial mortgages, secured and unsecured bridge loans, commercial construction loans, investment-grade bank debentures and other high-quality, investment-grade off- balance sheet bank obligations, second position commercial mortgage loan portfolios and notes, commercial paper and bank-grade corporate invoices..
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We only invest in credits that we believe to be durable, well-managed, appropriately structured, and transparent. We use a proprietary quantitative framework to assess each asset’s valuation and its long-term return potential. The Company attempts to earn money through a virtual arbitrage investment strategy that leverages its ability to borrow in the international debt capital markets and lend to domestic commercial real estate investors and developers to profit from price and yield differences between our cost of capital and the price of money we charge well-established borrowers. While engaging in this strategy, Cost-of-capital arbitrage is a market-neutral strategy, meaning that it is designed to profit regardless of whether the overall market for bonds and other credit instruments is bullish or bearish.
EuropaXi Mercantile Corp.
123 Town Square Place, Suite 272
Jersey City, New Jersey 07310